Create a Stack That Sends Better B2B Emails With Hypersegmentation

Create a Stack That Sends Better B2B Emails With Hypersegmentation

We ♥️ email. As a B2B brand ourselves, we’re always looking for the best ways to engage each member of our audience list — and emails are almost every B2B brand’s go-to.

In fact, 74% of B2B audiences actually prefer to be contacted by email. But to make the most of your marketing team’s day and design a stack that gives pipeline-generating results back through your organic channels, you need to take a look under the hood.

Your email providers alone won’t give you the advanced audience insights, segmentation and orchestration capabilities you need to send actually effective emails. But adding another tool to your complex stack feels like it will slow you down.

In this post, we’ll take a look at how ActionIQ creates special email moments for all the members of your buying group by connecting with Marketo, Eloqua, Pardot, Hubspot and more.

We’ll give you a look at how the magic happens to connect your stack and boost your performance.

How the CDP Stacks Up and Sends Better B2B Emails with Eloqua, Marketo, Hubspot and Pardot

Customer data is the heart of every customer experience strategy — but you need the right technology to get to it, make sense of it and operationalize it.

With a customer data platform (CDP) in your stack, your marketing team can develop a strategy that goes well beyond the basics to increase revenue, reduce churn and build brand loyalty. Here are four key strategies that a CDP brings to the stack — making your life easier, and your whole stack more efficient.

1. Hypersegmentation

Traditional segmentation involves grouping prospects and customers into segments based on standard persona information, such as account type, industry and role.

While this can certainly help brands personalize customer experiences to a degree, it leaves much to be desired in a world where B2B buyers expect business-to-consumer-like experiences.

More and more, microsegmentation has become the norm. Data points from websites, applications and other digital channels allow organizations to refine their audience segments based on purchase history, product usage and more.

This has also made segmentation more complex. Drilling down past basic persona information requires more resources. The more granular you get, the more time is spent building and managing new segments.

And now we’ve reached the age of hypersegmentation — serving up content, recommendations, promotions and more that are tailored to buyers across channels in real time based on their full customer profiles.

2. Data accessibility

Are your marketing teams waiting for help with audience lists? With a CDP, they don’t have to. Marketing teams shouldn’t have to rely on IT departments to pull customer lists on their behalf. It slows down segmentation and takes valuable time away from you and your data and tech teams..

Provide marketing, sales and customer service teams with a no-code user interface they can use to quickly define and analyze customer segments in minutes using all available customer data. Successful targeting requires more than stagnant messaging that’s tailored to generic personas.

3. AI-powered models

Give business teams the ability to use machine learning-powered predictive models to create lookalike audiences based on high-CLTV audiences.

This provides customer-facing teams with a powerful tool for zeroing in on the highest-value prospects based on the characteristics they share with existing customers. Teams can speed up sales cycles and reduce acquisition costs by informing customer engagement based on what’s worked best for similar audiences in the past — and achieve an 80% increase in conversion rates in the process.

3. Omnichannel journeys

Creating a hypersegmented audience is only step one. To transform customer data from a cost center into a profit center, brands must enable business teams to activate audiences via sophisticated customer journeys and real-time customer experiences.

Empower customer-facing teams to automate detection, decisioning and action based on hypersegmented audiences. Only by providing the right engagement — based on the full customer profile and across all online and offline channels — can you extract business value from hypersegmentation.

Mastering omnichannel journey orchestration for segmented audiences not only cuts acquisition costs by as much as 50%, but increases CLTV by up to 25%.

5. Headache-free Integrations

The bread and butter of any good B2B stack (and any good Customer Data Platform) is all about the integrations — bringing centralized intelligence and smarter orchestration and audience segments straight to the destinations in your stack.

CDPs exist to fill in those gaps between your customer data and your customers, and give you the complete, real-time audience activation you need. With a Composable CDP, ActionIQ taps directly into the full breadth of customer data for the best results — think less silos, more performance.

Take a look at how Autodesk connects the stack and boosts email with a CDP.

By creating the audiences for campaigns and journeys within ActionIQ and using a MAP integration to manage the send, you can easily use these same audiences across all marketing channels to ensure a consistent omnichannel customer experience. The engagement metrics collected can be ingested back into ActionIQ to ensure the audiences and segments stay up-to-date.

How Leading B2B Brands Improved Their Performance (and Beyond) With a CDP

Don’t just take it from us. By bringing a CDP into their B2B stack, leading brands have been to able to leverage more impactful audiences to get better results.

AutoDesk went to email and beyond to create more sophisticated experiences for their customers. You can see where we started with Autodesk and catch their story about how they enhanced their stack with a CDP in the video below, and then see where they are now after a recent webinar we held with their team to see how they are still delivering on their pipeline goals by designing their marketing around their data.

Not only has their team been improving their programs, but having a CDP support their marketing strategy has aligned their team cross-functionally in a massive side benefit.

Leading B2B brand Atlassian wanted to create better moments for their customers across the customer lifecycle. Traditional methods fell short, prompting a search for a composable, agile platform that would enable them to maximize the existing data investment, without disrupting the stack.

By using ActionIQ’s Composable CDP on top of Databricks, Atlassian’s marketing teams orchestrated personalized experiences across the customer lifecycle. The user-friendly interface empowered teams to build audiences faster, explore more in-depth segments, optimize resources, and drive growth.

Get More Out of Marketo, Hubspot, Pardot and Eloqua With a CDP

Don’t settle for just okay performance out of your email marketing. Engage every member of your B2B buying groups with better emails, and better experiences to make more out of your investments with integrations you can set and forget, while you watch your pipeline grow.

To learn more stories about how ActionIQ helps B2B brands fill the stacks in their gaps with a CDP, reach out to our friendly team.

Julia Michaelis
Julia Michaelis
Sr. Content Marketing Manager
Julia is a product and brand storyteller, focusing on all of the different strategies that enable amazing customer outcomes. She lives in Brooklyn with her terrier Lee.
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